Thursday, January 7, 2010

Another Location Winner from Google

Local search on mobile phones has just become a lot easier.

Google have just introduced a 'Near me now' link that you will see if you go to on your iPhone or Android phone. If you press the link Google will show you restaurants, coffee shops, bars, banks (and many other categories) that are around you at your present location.

So, for example, if you are outside a restaurant, you can quickly find user reviews by clicking on the 'Near me now' link and then clicking on the name of the restaurant. Or, imagine you want a quick coffee but you aren't exactly familiar with the area you are in, just click on 'Coffee Shops' and Google will show you a list of nearby coffee shops with a link to view them on Google Maps.

The 'Near me now' link is sure to prove a real winner. It is just the sort of intuitive search that has helped make Google what it is today. I know I'm going to be using it a lot. Or at least I would if the service wasn't US only for now.

Via: Official Google Mobile Blog


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